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  • Phần Mềm Kế Toán Simba

Simba Accouting

Business Accounting Software

Simba 4A
Price: 5000000
Simba 4B
Price: 6500000


About Simba Accounting Software

Other Software

Terms of use

Terms of Use

The Customer is advised to check the devices and computers, software installed on their computers and connected services (such as Internet access connection) in relation to the access and use of services to make sure that they are compatible with the Software.

AsiaSoft takes no responsibility for any failure to access or use the Software as a result of errors in network connection, hardware, other software installed on Customer's devices, including but not limited to hardware failure or incompatibility with the Software; incompatibility between the Software and other software installed and/or used by the Customer; Internet interruption connection or poor signal.

AsiaSoft gives no warranty or representation that this Service is free from any virus, interruption, or failure; however, AsiaSoft will perform maintenance of the Software to make sure that its operations meet its purposes.

AsiaSoft commits that it has the right to use the Software as a service to supply to the Customer and that it strictly complies with regulations of intellectual property laws. 

By accepting to supply the Services to the Customer, AsiaSoft agrees to grant the Customer the right to use the Software in compliance with the terms hereof during the Term of the Service. Except stated otherwise here above, no clause shall be understood as granting, assigning, or transferring any intellectual property right in the Software to the Customer, unless expressively specified in writing and approved by legal representatives of the Customer and AsiaSoft.

Price: 4000000
Price: Call





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