Simba Invoice has been verified by the General Department of Taxation to meet the requirements on creating, issuing, managing, and securing invoices in accordance with Decree 51.

See also self-billing software review of the General Department of Taxation
- VAT Self-Billing (Software Direct Print)

Simba Invoice has adopted a specific process and full set of functions and forms as required by taxation authorities (reviewed by the General Department of Taxation on 11/5/2011) as follows:
- Prepare a self-billing decision: Self-billing decision is prepared in Form 5.8 - Appendix 5 issued together with Circular No. 153/2010/TT-BTC dated 28/09/2010 of the Ministry of Finance
- Prepare an invoice issuance notice: Invoice issuance notice is prepared in the form issued together with Decision No. 2905/QD-BTC dated 09/11/2010
- Generate invoice form, invoice number, invoice code, print format, enterprise details to be printed with issuance information
- Prepare invoice contents from the software
- Manage invoices: created, not created, printed, print copy, etc.
- Manage and assign rights to each user
- Inquire the relevant history of printing, editing, or deleting invoices
- Each invoice is printed with a check code set by the user. Software will provide tools to support the user in checking the invoice to prevent from invoice fraud such as impersonation, fake invoice, etc.
- Report loss, damage, deletion, or cancellation, and report invoice usage and detailed statistics of the invoice
- Prepare a report on the use of invoices
- Prepare a statement and declaration directly on Simba Invoice
- Export data to declaration support software

- Fill-in Invoice Print (Samples of Print Order Invoices)

- In addition to VAT Self-Billing format, Simba Invoicealso supports VAT fill-in invoice print. This print format applies to enterprises that are ineligible for VAT self-billing.
- Simba Invoice provides samples of fill-in invoices and print order invoices for enterprises to fill in instead of preparing a handwritten invoice.
For a print invoice to be standard and stable, the enterprise must have a matrix printer
- Include available samples of invoices, such as: Sales Invoice, VAT Invoice, Internal Delivery Note, Agent Delivery Order. The user can easily edit its unique forms by such actions as insert an image, insert a logo, rename the title, change the signature, edit contents that are not required, or insert the slogan of its enterprise.
- Move data to declaration support software
- Move data to SIMBA accounting software
Update to both print invoices and manage finance & accounting matters (accounting software integrated with invoice print feature in accordance with Decree 51)