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  • Phần Mềm Kế Toán Simba
  • Phần mềm kế toán


Price: 4000000

Stock & Sales Management Software – Simba Stock is designed:

  • Manage the whole process of receipt, delivery, sales, collection, and payment on the computer
  • Information stored in the system helps with quick and timely inquiry, reconciliation, and check.
  • Software provides an administration reporting system that helps the managers with the basis to developing selling plans based on easily sold items, purchase times of customers, subjects of buyers, etc.
  • The system generates a report on receipt, delivery, and stock to help control the goods, prevent from loss, and be active in stocking up.

Purchase management:

  • Domestic purchase and receipt management.
  • Purchase and payable management by supplier.
  • Management and monitoring of amounts paid and payable to suppliers by contract.
  • Purchase report by product item, supplier, contract, receipt form, etc.

Sales management:

  • Customer management & categorization by a variety of criteria (region, zone, category, etc.)
  • Revenue/sales management by employee and department.
  • Management and analysis of sales revenue and costs
  • Management of revenue and costs per contract and report of profit/loss by contract
  • Sales report by product, supplier, contract, department, or a variety of criteria selected by the user, etc.
  • Sales analysis report for comparison between periods (week, month, quarter, bi-annual, etc.)
  • Sales reports with a flexible combination of criteria selected by the user, etc.

Invoice Print:

  • Print sales invoices, purchase orders
  • Print delivery/receipt notes
  • Print on following paper sizes: A5, A4, 3-lien holes, etc.
  • Support printing fill-in VAT invoices (VAT invoice print order)

Debt Management:

  • Management of receivable/payable by customer/supplier
  • Statistical summary of debts of customer/supplier by desirable period for viewing details of purchase/sales
  • Collection of debts, reconciliation of debts, printout of debt lists, details of customer's debts.
  • Payment of debts, reconciliation of debts, printout of debt lists, details of supplier's debts.
  • Statistical summary of receivable/payable at end of period by customer/supplier or all of customers/suppliers.

Receipt-Delivery-Stock Management:

  • Allow to declare the list and specifications of goods and materials in form of a directory tree.
  • Management of receipt and delivery of goods/materials: receipt from purchase; receipt from production-processing; other receipt; sales delivery for production-processing; delivery for relocation to another warehouse; delivery for others, etc.
  • Reporting system for receipt goods: Details by a product or all of products; details by a warehouse or all of warehouses; details by a supplier or all of suppliers, etc.
  • Reporting system for delivery goods: Details by a product or all of products; details by a warehouse or all of warehouses; details by a supplier or all of suppliers, etc.

Reporting system for stock goods: Details by a product or all of products; details by a warehouse or all of warehouses; details by a supplier or all of suppliers, etc.

Utilities & System Administration

·         Declare and assign rights to the user (Assign rights by subsystem to each document detailed by task: view, add, edit, delete)

·         Manage document edit/deletion logs, etc.

·         Backup data, lock maintenance data, check data.

·         Simba Stock has a low size and requires LAN connection

·         It is not influenced by reinstalling Windows (setup software is located in Drive D)

·         High security, assignment of rights to the user by subsystem to each document detailed by task: view, add, edit, delete)

·         Drill-down feature helps make checking and editing documents faster and more convenient

·         Print and export into EXCEL files easily

·         Easily updated to manage finance & accounting aspects and prepare tax reports


Product code

Description of products & services

Unit price


 Stock, sales & debt management software


 Associated services

(free of charge)

 - Installation, advice, and instructions on how to use for 1 sessions at offices of the enterprises (HCMC, Da Nang, Hanoi) 

 - Support with design of VAT invoice samples by filling in the blank

 - 12-month warranty (Unlimited term of use for software)


Simba 4A
Simba Accounting 4A
     SIMBA Accounting Software - a packaged version of AsiaSoft, is designed for small and medium - scale enterprises with purpose to help them save costs, minimize unnecessary procedures, and simplify and streamline accounting work.       SIMBA Accounting has a friendly and easy user interface that enables users without IT and accounting knowledge to use and exploit the software system for management of economic activities arising in...
Simba 4B
Simba Accounting 4B
     SIMBA Accounting Software - a packaged version of AsiaSoft, is designed for small and medium - scale enterprises with purpose to help them save costs, minimize unnecessary procedures, and simplify and streamline accounting work.       SIMBA Accounting has a friendly and easy user interface that enables users without IT and accounting knowledge to use and exploit the software system for management of economic activities arising in...
Invoice management
Simba Invoice is a VAT billing software under Decree 51 - a product of AsiaSoft designed to meet operational procedures to create, print, issue, manage, and secure invoices when an enterprise performs self-billing in accordance with Decree 51.
Accounting for Edu
 Currently, AsiaSoft is supplying SIMBAforEDU for free together with practice exercises to all universities and schools that have needs of teaching machine accounting and commit to supporting them throughout the course (Software transfer, latest update, exercises, new lessons, etc.)

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